Our language assistant, Sol Kelleher, tells us about Thanksgiving day and the historical origin of this popular a cellebration in the United States of America. Listen to the video and read carefully about it:
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Hi, everyone! Today I am going to talk to you about Thanksgiving in the United States. Have you heard of Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is a really big holiday throughout all of America. I’m sure you have seen pictures of it before.
These are just some of the most popular foods on Thanksgiving.
These are two of my favorite desserts on Thanksgiving. I don’t have a big enough oven, but if I did, I would have made an apple pie for you all. It is made of apples, sugar, cinnamon, spices, and cream.
Now, we are going to talk about the origins of Thanksgiving. The story of Thanksgiving has been mistold for a very long time. Today, I am going to teach you the truth behind Thanksgiving and the importance of acknowledging the problems with this holiday.
The Pilgrims came over on a boat called The Mayflower. It was a very big boat with lots of people. It was a very long journey. Have you heard of The Mayflower?
Here is a map of where the Pilgrims landed. This is actually very close to where I live. It is about 5 hours away in car, which is close for
These are facts that people fail to talk about. The Pilgrims would not have been able to survive without the Native American, but they did not have a friendly relationship. The Pilgrims were exploited and taken advantage of.
Is the story of a “nice, friendly” dinner true? No, it is not.
History about the Native people in the Northeast are written from the point of view of the English. Much of what was written at the time was wrong and distorted. The story would be lost, recovered, told, and retold over centuries.
Unfortunately, it was actually a very violent encounter over months.
Do you know what a genocide is? It is an intentional killing of a large group of people of the same ethnic or racial group.
Yes, Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving by eating a large meal with our friends and families. But it is more important to understand the historical roots and context of this holiday in order to recognize that Americans will always be living on stolen land.
Here are some key vocabulary terms about Thanksgiving. Can you add any more?
If you’d like to share, tell me something that you are thankful for this year.